Priyanka Mishra, who was recently seen in 'Chhoti Bahu' as Vishakha, had exited from the show as per the demand of the script. We were wondering why the actress had vanished so abruptly. But a recent conversation cleared it all.
"Right now I am trying to lose weight, as the audience won't like me in a similar attire all the time. I am, therefore, trying to lose weight and do a makeover in order to come back in a new and sizzling hot avatar." says Priyanka.
Her character in 'Chhoti Bahu' was that of a vamp which did not endear her to the people particularly because she played a negative character.
But now Priyanka has made up her mind to go for a complete change in look which might make it easier for the people to accept her.
Although the actress has nothing in the pipeline, she is struggling hard to get ready for her come back. What exactly does Priyanka want to change in her look? "Well, I could say that I want to be a size zero (laughs).
But yes I am trying my best to bring out something new in me, something that will not make the audience remember me as Vishakha. I will be presenting myself as a brand new package. I just hope that the viewers like me."
That's really interesting. We hope the producers are listening as well!
Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:07 IST